We Asked, You Answered

You don’t get far by ignoring your customers, and we consult with ours at every opportunity.

Years of successful partnership with automotive market leaders has given us an insight into their priorities but when an industry moves this fast, priorities can change. We ended 2016 by asking a cross-section of automotive companies what their ambitions are for the foreseeable future, how a translation service partner can help them achieve those ambitions and what pitfalls need to be avoided. We’ve summarised the feedback below, and we hope you find it interesting.

[red]Q. Which markets do you see as growth areas between now and 2020?[/red]Answer: You won’t be surprised to hear that we see a major opportunity with the BRIC nations.

We’re not surprised at all. It’s no coincidence that the Indian and Russian Grand Prix races have quickly become highlights of the Formula One season, joining the Chinese Grand Prix (established in 2004) and the Brazilian Grand Prix, a fixture for over 40 years.In 2015 almost seven and a half million cars were sold in Brazil (2.57m), India (3.43m) and Russia (1.44m). That’s why Absolute Translations has dedicated automotive translation and project teams for each of these countries. And in China, 24.6 million cars were sold in the same period.  We offer you proven expertise in both Mandarin, the official language of the PRC, and Cantonese, the main language of Hong Kong, Macau and the Guangdong province.

Answer: Germany is committed to excellence as a buyer and a seller, and that isn’t going to change.

No, it isn’t. German OEMs have been notably fast on their feet in funding autonomous vehicle research, and Absolute Translations has been just as agile in keeping up with these developments so we can offer effective language support.

Answer: Never underestimate Japan’s capacity for innovation.

We never will. Toyota, Nissan and Honda constantly take out new patents, and those patents are regularly cited by other companies. That spark of innovation is just as prominent in the work of suppliers such as JTEKT, Yamaha and Yazaki. Our Japanese project teams have a hotline to these developments and a firm grasp of the terminology.

[red]Q. What language issues have confronted you in new target markets?[/red]Answer: We’re increasingly active in Brazil, and it’s not helpful when people fail to make the distinction between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese.

When a linguist offers us a service in Portuguese, we immediately confirm their regional expertise. Brazilian and European Portuguese have distinct differences in, for example, incorporation of foreign words into their vocabulary and use of formal and informal address. Offending your clients by being too formal or informal is a bad way to start a relationship.

Answer: Russia is a huge market for us, and when we visit we need to make the right impression. It’s a big country and there’s more than one official language.

Clients who say this are masters of understatement. Russia is a vast country with 35 official languages in addition to Russian itself. And while it’s likely that your business will be conducted in Russian and English, we agree that awareness of your host’s language and culture is always important. Absolute Translations always takes into account regional variations in language and dialect when supporting you with translation and interpreting. Accuracy – and professional courtesy – matters.

[red]Q.What additional pitfalls would you advise others to be aware of?[/red]Answer: Formatting and other Desktop Publishing issues always need to be taken into account.Yes they do. That’s why our DTP design teams work with cutting edge artwork software to create the right designs for your target language. Our expertise in multiple alphabets and writing conventions will preserve your message in any format and any language.

Answer: Incorrect use of technical terminology destroys credibility, and misuse of abbreviations shows lack of knowledge. But when your translation partner gets these things right, your credibility is enhanced. And Absolute does get it right, creating a translation memory for each client with constantly updated technical glossaries that guarantee consistency and save you time and money.Positive communication helped make 2016 a great year for us and our automotive industry partners. 2017 is going to be even better. Keep talking, and we’ll keep listening.

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