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Not too long ago retailers were competing to make and stock products that consumers would cross the street to buy. Today we don’t have to cross the street, or even leave the room. What about tomorrow? Maybe we can learn from a dominant market leader? Amazon’s impact on global retail continues to dazzle. Not content with a turnover that topped $135 billion in 2016, the eCommerce giant has now launched an own-label fashion range in Britain. A similar launch hit the US market last year and while no attempt is being made at ground-breaking fashion design, the 400 new products are highly affordable, and with free one-day delivery on offer to Amazon Prime members, highly accessible.
With Amazon muscling in on their turf, retailers have yet another reason to look beyond their home territory to prosper. They need to know the rules of the game in each new market. Forward thinkers don’t just appreciate the importance of an effectively localised website in securing initial sales. They plan for repeat business. Your global audience is smart, well-informed and demanding, and their loyalty has to be earned. Did you know that three quarters of first time buyers will happily come back for more if after-sales care is offered in their native language? That’s just one of the ways the right translation service partner will help you keep your customers satisfied.
Absolute Translations has been service partner of choice to the retail sector since 2001, and we’ll make sure you tick every box.
You can rely on us for:
● Translation aligned with the legislative requirements of your target market
● Desktop publishing and localised artwork
● Production of glossaries and management of your translation memory files
● Advice for interacting with local trade bodies and retail partners, including the supply of specialist interpreters
● Integration of content management and translation management systems, delivering seamless efficiency and saving you time and money
If those are the services that keep customers happy, what are the rewards? In 2016, consumers in the Asia-Pacific region made retail purchases to a total value of $1 trillion. And that annual figure is expected to double by the end of this decade. Huge growth in the Chinese middle class, Japan’s thirst for innovation and quality and explosions of eCommerce activity in Malaysia and Singapore are keeping these markets buoyant. Closer to home, online retail sales in Europe topped $550 billion last year, with no slowdown in sight.
And remember, these consumers won’t just hand over their money to anyone who asks for it. They browse, they pick and choose and they read the small print, so you’d better have it ready in their native language. Your target customers are shopping around. Absolute Translations will make sure they’re shopping with you.
Publishing a book to an international market is a fantastic opportunity. It is a huge career milestone t...
Think of the work involved in creating museum exhibitions. The concept development, design, fundraising,...
Think of the work involved in creating a stellar marketing campaign. Market research, competitor analysi...
As part of our ongoing efforts to protect the environment for future generations, Absolute Translations is proud to have achieved carbon negative status!