The Benefits of Audio Transcription Services For Global Businesses

The Benefits of Audio Transcription Services For Global Businesses

In recent years, global corporations have started to see the benefits in utilising translation services. After all, they can effectively communicate with their foreign partners and customers. It also helps companies to attract overseas business. A translation company can particularly benefit international businesses with audio transcription services. They offer more than just a single advantage for companies.

At Absolute Translations – one of the UK’s leading providers of translation services, we have provided a list of the top four reasons to utilise audio transcription services:

1. Audio transcription services ensure your business reaches new consumers and widens your current customer base.

Recent studies have shown that online consumers are more likely to buy a product when the website is written in their own language. This also applies when connecting with potential customers through video or audio. It is better to reach out to your audience in their own language. After all, viewers may leave the video if they don’t understand the language or get confused. By providing video or audio in the main language of your audience, you reduce the risk of them clicking off.

2. Audio transcripts help your brand sound like native-speakers.

English may be the lingua franca for many but it is better to connect with non-English speakers in their local language. It instantly helps you to connect with them. In fact, you will sound more familiar to them and start to look like a local brand. This will start to build a connection with your customers and diversify your brand from others in the industry. As a result, customers will come to accept your company quicker than your competitors.

3. Audio transcription is the perfect way to distribute information.

While it is possible to share information in the form of audio, it can be difficult to access these files when you need to. However, this is where audio transcriptions come in! A professional audio transcriber will transfer the audio into text on a PDF and print them out for your clients or staff. It makes important information easily shared between international departments of your company.

4. Audio transcription has multiple uses for a business.

In the business world, audio transcription services can be applied to a number of tasks or projects. It is a particularly good tool for market research companies. Audio transcriptions allow businesses to carry out consumer habit interviews with existing and potential customers in their native language. These interviews will then be transcribed so your company can analyse the results. Audio transcription can also be used by news broadcasters and video production companies. Particularly production companies who travel to foreign locations for filming can use a native-speaking interpreter to translate discussions. Then,  when the footage is ready, they get the interviews transcribed by a native speaker.

If you would like any more information about our audio transcription services, get in touch with our team on 0333 577 0767.

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