Why Your Non-Profit Organisation Needs Charity Translation Services

Why Your Non-Profit Organisation Needs Charity Translation Services

Within the United Kingdom, there are over 166,000 charities covering a wide range of causes and global issues. This includes everything from animal welfare to climate change. Most of the UK charities are small and rely on volunteers so the majority of their income comes from donations and fundraising campaigns. However, more and more charitable organisations have expanded their cause worldwide. For example, organisations such as UNICEF and the Red Cross are now known across the world. With charities growing internationally, the need for language and translation services has also grown.

As a leading translation company in the UK, we understand that charity organisations often rely on translating their content themselves, due to a lack of funds. That’s why we offer all charitable organisations a 15% off discount on the price on translation projects. Most staff members within charities are not qualified to translate their own materials. As a result, important documents and marketing materials with inaccuracies could negatively impact your whole organisation. Therefore, it’s vital to utilise charity translation services – particularly if your charity provides aid and disaster relief internationally.

Below are three reasons how Absolute Translations’ charity translation services can benefit your organisation:

1. Accurately share your core message to international audiences.

When you are fighting a global cause, you want your message to reach an international audience to increase donations and awareness. By utilising professional charity translation services, you can ensure that your charity’s message is accurate to the specific culture you’re targeting. All of our charity translations are carried out by native-speaking translators who live and work in your target country. As a result, you can guarantee that your charity’s message is conveyed exactly the way you want it.

2. Increase donations from overseas patrons.

As we mentioned above, using charity translation services can help to increase your brand awareness overseas. Research has found that consumers are more likely to purchase a product when the information is available in their native language. This research can also be applied to marketing and branding materials for charities. Therefore, with an increased presence internationally, you can expect to see more donations being received for patrons all over the world.

3. Ensure complete compliance all over the world.

There are a number of regulations and legislations that charities must follow to ensure compliance. Therefore, when your charity decides to expand abroad, you must adhere to the international rules as well. By using expert charity translation services from Absolute Translations, we ensure that your translations are not only accurate but they are compliant with regulations too. We are members of the British and European Association of Translation Companies. Absolute Translations also have ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications. This means we are up to date with the latest quality standards.

If you would like to find out more information about our professional charity translation services, get in touch with our team on 0333 577 0767.

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