Out of all modern technological advancements, online shopping has to be the most life changing. In 2018, an estimate total of 1.8 billion people around the world had purchased goods online. Nearly a quarter of the world’s population use online retailers to buy the products they love. Now is the perfect time to consider translating your website into multiple languages and reach a wider audience.
Here at Absolute Translations, we provide specialist e-commerce translation services designed to create localised content for each target language and boost your sales. If you’re still unsure as to why using e-commerce translation services is essential to your business, our team have listed a number of benefits below.
When you decide to take your business both online and global, there are a number of major challenges that present themselves. The first being the language barrier between you and your customers. In Western countries, such as the United Kingdom and United States, we are used to English being the most commonly spoken language. It’s easy to forget that not everyone speaks English. According to Statista, only 26% of the world’s internet population do speak English. As a result, companies translating their websites need to consider the other commonly spoken languages on the Internet. These include Chinese, Spanish and Arabic.
When you total up the users of the ten most widely spoken languages on the internet, these users account for three-quarters of the total number of online users. That’s a potential customer base of 2.5 billion people, just by translating your website into a few languages.
It’s not just important to have the content of your site translated; SEO optimisation is key. Regular updates must be implemented to maintain your brands’ position on search engines. With e-commerce translation services, your product descriptions and prices will be translated and converted correctly. Even the functional buttons such as “add to basket” and “checkout” will be specific to each language.
Do you want to enhance your website with e-commerce translation services? As one of the leading translation providers in the United Kingdom, the team at Absolute Translations are available to help you. To find out more information, get in touch on 0333 577 0767 or email main@absolutetranslations.com.
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