The Benefits of Market Research Translation Services

The Benefits of Market Research Translation Services

If you’re planning to conduct market research on an international audience, then it’s important to consider market research translation services. After all, professional translation services are an essential tool for businesses and our market research translations are no different! Whether you’re looking to expand into a new region around the world or improve your current standing in an international market, market research translation services allow you to gain all of the important data you require.

Here at Absolute Translations, we know how vital it is to make every word count when carrying out successful market research. Our team of native-speaking translators have previously assisted in creating medical questionnaires, retail case studies and automotive focus groups to help understand the culture of target audiences all over the world. In the past twenty years, we have carried out professional translations for Vodafone, Estée Lauder, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and Olympus.

Below, the team of market research translators have shared their reasons why market research translation services are so essential for business success overseas.

Discover Your Customers Opinions

Market research is the perfect way to assess how certain audiences react to your product and services. Ultimately, this leads you on the pathway to improving your brand. When working with a foreign audience, there’s an obvious language barrier that will get in the way of discovering true opinions. Market research translation services will therefore open up communication between you and your audience; this will make it easier to tailor your product or service to their needs. Our current service for market research is available in over 200 languages including Ukrainian, Somali, Nepali and Japanese.

Accurately Pitch Your Questions

We understand that market research is a precise science and so every question must be perfect to garner the type of response you need. Our team of market research translators are specialised in this area so you always receive the highest standard of work. When hiring our team of translators, we ensure each individual has at least five years of experience. Not only that, but we make sure each is well-versed within a specific sector. For our market research translation services, you are guaranteed a translator who knows your industry and market research inside out. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about giving your audience a bad impression.

Familiarity With Global Software

We’ve carried out services such as these for over twenty years. In this time, we have built up a familiarity with a number of platforms including Confirmit, Globalpark, Nebu and SPSS. With knowledge of these tools and being well-versed in market research practice, your project is able to run smoothly including the set-up and distribution of questionnaires. We are also able to organise a team of interpreters to attend focus groups about your product or service to collect feedback.

Contact Us

Are you interested in finding out more information about our market research translation services? We would love to discuss how we can assist you today! Get in touch with our team on 0333 577 0767 or email to find out more.

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