Translation Industry Blog and  Translation Tips

Insight and tips from translation experts

Our translation blog brings you industry insight, translation tips and tidbits.


Together We’re Stronger

Together We’re Stronger

At Absolute Translations we believe in the power of language to bring people together, but only when tha...

Play To Win

February 2018 was a big month for Gamers. Two flagship events took place in London, with the Excel Arena...

Talking Shop

Talking Shop

Absolute Translations has become a commercial partner of choice by delivering high quality service and p...

Legal Ease

Legal Ease


The 700 Year Partnership

At Absolute Translations we take pride in building partnerships, and one of the keynote speakers at this...

The Big Picture

The Big Picture

Although this is a time for New Year’s resolutions, here at Absolute Translations we apply the same high...

Age of Consent

Not all legal changes have a direct impact on our working lives, but the General Data Protection Regulat...

Planet Hollywood

Every business has a story to tell, but few of us tell our stories as lavishly as film makers. When movi...

Part of the Family

The World of Learning conference is an annual highlight, not only for education professionals but for an...

Fashion Sense

Every industry has its defining events, and for the fashion industry the Moda Trade Exhibition is a high...

Africa rising

Recognising people’s potential and respecting their culture can build a bridge, and communicating in a l...

Absolute Translations - All tomorrow's challenges

Some events set the tone for the year. Last month’s Localization World in Barcelona set the tone for the...

Absolute Translations - When the world is watching

The weekend of July 15th and 16th was arguably the highlight of the British sporting calendar. As well a...

Absolute Translations - Shopping Around

Not too long ago retailers were competing to make and stock products that consumers would cross the stre...

Absolute Translations - Absolutely Certifiably Yours

During election campaigns we often hear arguments for changes to consumer, employment and immigration la...

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